More is more. When you take something that is already beautiful and add more to it, it's called "gilding the lily" or "painting the lily", as per Shakespeare. When I first stitched this pattern, I started with just lime green and black, but then I wondered how it would look in my classic emerald green. Those two options went out into the world for my wonderful customers to decide, but it was a split decision! And there were many calls for "both". So I stitched it AGAIN with both colours, and even added a little red, and voila! A pattern that breaks all the rules. You can simplify and use all one colour, or go for it and add all three for your own personal design. This one's fancy ;)
Your friends and family will undoubtedly be very impressed by your finished creation. Be prepared for adulation - and possibly a little envy too. (You deserve it!)
LEVEL: Ambitious Beginner Friendly
Included in the kit:
pre-printed pattern on unbleached cotton fabric15cm (6”) embroidery hoop
embroidery floss
embroidery needle
stitch guide