Don't be fooled by the name "Gnomework", this friendly, forest dwelling fellow is all play. Surrounded by modern, abstract mushrooms, he's right at home in a poplar forest. The gnome and woodland scene is made using a series of beginner embroidery stitches, including a backstitch (he's mostly backstitch...easy peasy), detached chain (link) for his beard, satin stitch, and two French knots for eyes. BTW The satin stitch is edged with a backstitch because it looks great AND hides any imperfections so you always look like a pro. It's like magic!
Your friends and family will undoubtedly be very impressed by your finished creation. Be prepared for adulation - and possibly a little envy too. (You deserve it!)
LEVEL: Ambitious Beginner Friendly
Included in the kit:
pre-printed pattern on unbleached cotton fabric
15cm (6”) embroidery hoop
embroidery floss
embroidery needle
stitch guide