Japanese stitch patterns are eye-catching and much sought after by devotees, but before now, they often seemed out of reach, whether locked behind Japanese-only instructions or tangled up in difficult-to-decipher illustrations. Japanese Stitches Unraveled offers 150 rare patterns inspired by these elusive and intricate Japanese stitch designs, along with fully illustrated charts, familiar symbols, and clear instructions for every single stitch. Each stitch pattern receives Bernard’s unique four-direction makeover—topdown, bottom-up, back-and-forth, and in-the-round. To showcase the knitting in action, Bernard also includes instructions for six garments as well as her famous formulas for knitting without a pattern.
Wendy Bernard is the author of The Knitting All Around Stitch Dictionary, Up, Down, All-Around Stitch Dictionary, and the Custom Knits series. Her popular blog, Knit and Tonic (www.knitandtonic.net), has thousands of fans, and her knitwear patterns have been published everywhere, from Knitty and Stitch Diva Studios to Interweave Knits and Knitscene magazines. She teaches top-down knitting on Creativebug, Craftsy, and via her DVD series (Interweave) . Bernard lives in Thousand Oaks, California.
“This will be your guide to all of your long sought how-to questions pertaining to the intricate Japanese stitch patterns. Readers can look forward to learning 150 stitch patterns while reading about the culture that has inspired them.” MarthaStewart.com
“If you like to introduce the occasional piece of bespoke stitchwork into your knits, then Wendy’s book will give you more than 160 stitch patterns – in knit/purl combos, cable and lace. Each one has instructions for knitting flat or in the round. All are Japanese-inspired, and many have rarely been seen in the West because they’ve only just been translated” Simply Knitting
“With sections on knit and purl stitches, cables, lace and many more, these intricate and eye-catching designs make you want to reach for your needles immediately.” Knitting